Saturday, February 15, 2025

Midmonth Check-In: February 2025 and Best of 2024


  Introduction and Monthly Reminders   

    February has been a mixed bag for Utahns as far as the weather is concerned. We have experienced days that reached almost 70°F, although windy, while others reached temperatures in the mid-20s. The wind helped keep the inversion at bay but also brought clouds and unstable conditions for setting up any observing gear. Even with these conditions, I could still see four of the seven planets in the planetary parade and look at the bright constellations of the winter sky. The Moon was also breathtaking during the early part of the month as it increased in brightness as its phase moved closer to "full."  
    Observers may still view the winter constellations and the planets that make up the planetary parade. If a clear night occurs and a dark sky can be obtained, the Zodiacal light may still be viewed this month. While this light is noticeable with the unaided eye, an image of just 30 seconds will significantly enhance the view. Don't forget that now is a great time to view most of the Messier objects as Utah approaches the best date of the year for a Messier Marathon. 

Best of 2024   

    I captured many more images during 2024 than I did in 2023 and would love to share them! I purchased a new telescope in 2024 that can image the Sun (with proper filters), the Moon, deep sky objects, and stars. It is a very compact telescope, and I was able to take it on many trips throughout the year, including my eclipse trip to Texas in April. 

    As mentioned, I was able to travel to Texas to see the eclipse on 08 April 2024. I created a post with a full write-up of my experience and photos, but here are the best taken from my phone.

Eclipse through the leaves.

"Diamond Ring" at the end of totality.

Eclipse reaches totality.

Taken during totality, notice the visible planets and stars.

    In addition to these phone photos, I created a timelapse of the entire eclipse with my new telescope. The first video found here is my original, unedited color video. It's over five minutes long and is kind of shaky due to the wind. My second video is the same but in black and white which kind of adds a little bit, especially leading up to, during, and after totality. 

    Below are several images of the Moon. I couldn't choose just one favorite! 

Moon from 18 April.
Moon from 11 October.

Moon from 24 October

    The Sun was a hot topic for 2024 due to the eclipse and the Northern Lights being visible. I took several images of the Sun with my new scope throughout 2024, but I will share only a few of the best ones with a large number of sunspots.

Sunspots on 19 April.

Sunspots on 03 May.

Sunspots on 11 May, the day after Northern Lights were visible over Utah.

Sunspots on 11 August.

    Due to the active Sun, the Northern Lights were visible over Utah. Here are the best images I took on 10 May from my home. 

    Over the Labor Day weekend, I traveled to Fish Lake, Utah, and captured several decent images with my phone and DSLR cameras. 

Stars through the trees taken with my smartphone.

Western sky after sunset. Taken with my smartphone.

Milky Way over Fish Lake. Taken with my smartphone.

Cloudy Milky Way over Fish Lake. Taken with my smartphone.

Meteor over Fish Lake. Taken with DSLR camera.

Meteor and Milky Way over Fish Lake. Taken with DSLR camera.

Milky Way over Fish Lake. Taken with DLSR camera.

    During my first night at Fish Lake, I set up my DSLR camera to take a timelapse of the Milky Way. That was also when I caught the image of the bright meteor above. Here is my timelapse video.

    I was also able to capture many deep sky objects with my new scope. The telescope is able to track and stack several images to help bring out the detail of the target. While I did capture several different DSOs, I will only share the ones that turned out the best. Aside from stacking, no other editing has been done on these images. Enjoy!

M57, the Ring Nebula.

M13, the Hercules Cluster, with a satellite trail.

M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, with a satellite trail.

M27, the Dumbbell Nebula.

    I aim to capture and share the entire Messier Catalog of objects. I hope that 2025 will be as eventful, if not more so, than 2024, and I will have plenty more images to share!

Now get outside and look up!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Monthly Night Sky Report: February 2025


   It's hard to believe that the first month of 2025 is already over! While it was a pretty quiet month, astronomically speaking, there were still some great sights to see. I really enjoyed viewing the bright evening planets. While at work, I would challenge myself to see how quickly I could spot Venus, Jupiter, and Mars. Oftentimes, I could pick out Venus before the Sun had fully set. The bright constellation of Orion was an easy object to spot as well. 

    February won't bring any major meteor showers, but there will still be some interesting objects to view. Most notable will be brilliant Venus continuing to dominate the early evening sky. Jupiter and Mars will also be great targets to view. Observers will also have the opportunity to watch the Pleiades disappear from view in early February.   



    Mercury won't be visible until later in the month due to its superior conjunction with the Sun on the 9th. When Mercury does return to view, this tiny world can be found in the western sky after sunset, near Saturn. The pair will reach their closest on the 24th when they will be just 1.5° apart in our night sky. Mercury will continue to climb higher in the sky with each passing sunset while Saturn dips closer to the horizon. A skinny and challenging-to-view crescent Moon will join Mercury on the 28th. 

  Venus will again be easy to spot in the evening sky after, and even during, sunset. This planet will reach its greatest brightness of 2025 on the 14th, shining at magnitude -4.9. On the first evening of February, a crescent Moon can be found less than 3° from brilliant Venus. A telescope or large-sized binoculars will show the different phases of Venus as it travels around the Sun.  

    Mars will continue to capture the attention of observers as this planet stays bright during February. The Red Planet reached opposition in January and will be visible in the eastern sky after sunset. During January, I was able to pick out Mars before the sky darkened after sunset. The Moon will pass within 1° of Mars on the 9th. Several surface features can be observed on Mars by using a telescope.    


   Jupiter will still be a great target throughout February. Observers, using nothing but their eyes, can see the bright white of Jupiter in contrast with the red giant Aldebaran. Observers using binoculars or a telescope can see the Galilean Moons, while the latter can also see the cloud bands and even the Great Red Spot. Several Galilean Moon transits can be viewed throughout the month, so be sure to check out the Moons of Jupiter & Saturn app for Android or JupiterMoons for Apple devices. The Great Red Spot may also be seen at specific times depending on the observers' location, and the resources mentioned above can also be helpful. An observer will need a four-inch (100 mm) telescope or larger to view the transits and the Great Red Spot. The Earth's own moon will pass above Jupiter on the 6th.

    Saturn is quickly descending closer to the western horizon and soon will be out of sight. This coincides with the rings of Saturn nearly disappearing from our Earthly vantage point as the angle of the ring plane is nearly perpendicular to that of the Earth. This is like looking at a piece of paper from the edge instead of as it lies flat on a desk. The Moon passed close by Saturn on the last day of January and will do so again on the last day of February. Unfortunately, Saturn will be too close to the western horizon and will also be hidden in the Sun's glare to observe.


    Uranus will hover to the lower right of the Pleiades this month. A 59% lit Moon will join the pair on the 5th, residing about halfway between these two objects. A pair of binoculars or a telescope will be required to view this ice giant, but observers will be rewarded with its blue-green disk in the field of view. It's best to view this planet before midnight while it is high above the horizon with as little atmospheric interference as possible.     

   Neptune can be found close to Venus during the first few days of February. The pair will form a nice triangle with the Moon on the first evening of the month. Venus will begin to pull away from Neptune, and the outer ice giant will sink closer to the Sun, becoming lost from view by the end of the month. Binoculars and a telescope will reveal the blue-green disk of this outer world.   

Zodiacal Light

    There will not be a major meteor shower during February, but that should not stop observers from getting away from city lights to enjoy the night sky. On any typical night, observers can see approximately seven meteors per hour. As the Earth approaches the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere, observers have the opportunity to view the Zodiacal Light. This light becomes brighter and more pronounced closer to the 20th of March, the date of the Spring Equinox.

    During the late night hours of the 5th and early morning hours of the 6th, observers can watch the Moon occult the Pleiades. For Utahns, this occultation will begin at approximately 11:30 PM on the 5th. The Moon will begin to pass in front of the Pleiades but will be most noticeable around 12:15 AM when the brighter stars of this open cluster begin to be blocked from view. The occultation will continue until the pair sinks below the western horizon around 3:00 AM. A pair of binoculars or a telescope will greatly enhance the occultation, allowing the observer to view more of the stars of the Pleiades. Astro-photographers may also enjoy capturing images of this event.    

Monthly Breakdown

February 01: Moon passes within 2° of Venus
February 01: Moon passes within 2° of Neptune
February 03: Venus and Neptune pass within 4° 
February 05: First Quarter Moon ðŸŒ“
February 05: Moon passes within 5° of Uranus
February 5/6: Moon occults the Pleiades
February 06: Moon passes within 5° of Jupiter
February 09: Mercury reaches superior conjunction
February 09: Moon passes within 1° of Mars 
February 12: Full Moon 🌕 
February 14: Venus reaches greatest brilliancy
February 20: Last Quarter Moon🌗 
February 27: New Moon 🌑
February 28: Moon passes within 1° of Mercury


Now get outside and look up!
Planet images were taken by NASA.
Andrew vs. the Cosmos image was taken by Jeff Greenland.
The Milky Way and Trees image was taken by Andrew Greenland.
Orion, Taurus, and Pleiades image was taken by Andrew Greenland.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Midmonth Check-In: January 2025 and a Guide to the 2025 Night Sky


  Introduction and Monthly Reminders   

    January has been a cold and stormy month so far this year. The good news, however, is that with the storms, the inversion has been kept away for the most part. This has allowed me to see Venus in the western sky, Jupiter near the zenith, and Mars in the eastern sky after sunset. Orion also shined brightly and is always a treat to catch in the night sky. I could still spot Mars in the western sky during the early morning hours. Arcturus was high in the southern sky, and Vega was closer to the Rocky Mountains during my drive to work in the morning.

    Many of these sights will continue through the end of the month for observers interested in catching these planets and bright stars. Mars has just reached opposition, making it a great time to view this planet. Even without a telescope, it will shine brightly and be easily picked out in the eastern sky after sunset. On the 19th, the planetary conjunction between Venus and Saturn will occur. A pair of binoculars should separate the two planets, making them visible in a single field of view. A low-power eyepiece in a telescope will reveal the rings of Saturn and the phase of Venus in a single field of view. 


Guide to the 2025 Night Sky   

        A new year is here, and there are many great stargazing opportunities to be aware of. This year, the Sun will reach its solar maximum, meaning it will be even more active than it was the last few years. Last year, Utahns were able to see the Northern Lights, and hopefully, with the solar maximum reaching its peak this year, many more opportunities will present themselves. 

    The winter sky contains many significant deep sky objects and some of the brightest stars and most recognizable constellations. The winter season officially begins in December and will continue through the March Equinox, which falls on the 20th of March this year. Between now and then, observers should focus on Orion, Taurus, and Gemini. The Orion Nebula (M42) can be found just below the belt stars of Orion. This nebula can be seen with the unaided eye from a dark sky location, but of course, a telescope will reveal much more detail. Using Orion's belt stars, an observer can locate the Pleiades (M45), the brightest star cluster in the sky. This cluster can be seen with the unaided eye, but again, visual aiding devices will significantly enhance the view. I recommend a pair of binoculars or telescopes with a low-power eyepiece. During March, observers can participate in a Messier Marathon, a marathon of locating all 110 Messier objects in a single night. The best time to join the Messier Marathon falls on the first of March this year. At this time, the Moon will be out of the sky, and most, if not all, of the Messier objects will be visible. On March 14th, Utahns will be treated to a Total Lunar Eclipse.

    The Spring months are when temperatures finally start to rise, and more astronomers are willing to be outdoors. This includes the end of March, April, May, and most of June. This is a great time to view the Beehive Cluster (M44), one of my favorite open star clusters. Many galaxies can also be seen in the Virgo and Coma Berenices constellations. Optical aid is required! The Lyrid meteor shower will occur on April 22nd, perhaps the first major meteor shower that many observers will be interested in due to the warm weather. 

    The Summer months probably get the most attention from astronomers due to the warm weather and kids being out of school. This includes the end of June through most of September. Many individuals are able to go camping to get away from most sources of light pollution, which dramatically enhances the stargazing experience. The Summer Triangle will be high overhead and is full of deep-sky objects. Many of my favorite deep-sky objects are best viewed during this time, including the Hercules Cluster (M13), the Ring Nebula (M57), and the Wild Duck Cluster (M11). The summer months also represent the best time to view the Milky Way band. There will be a planetary conjunction with Venus and Jupiter on August 12th. The Perseid Meteor Shower will also peak on the 12th, making this an excellent time for observers to be looking up! Saturn will reach opposition on the 21st of September, the day before the September Equinox. 

    The Autumn months will bring several notable meteor showers, including the Orionids on October 21st, the Leonids on November 17, and the Geminids on December 14th. This time of year is also the best time to view the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), the Double Cluster in Perseus (NGC 896 and NGC 884), and Albireo, the best double star to view. This double star consists of a blue and yellow star, which contrast very well. A telescope is required to separate this pair of stars. 

    As observers learned in previous years, including 2024, comets are unpredictable and may appear anytime. I will keep my readers as up-to-date as possible if any such comet is discovered! Now, get outside and enjoy the wonders of the universe!  

Now get outside and look up!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Monthly Night Sky Report: January 2025


   December 2024 offered a few stargazing highlights; most notable to me were the planets in the evening and early morning sky. Venus was the first and easiest planet to spot, followed by Jupiter. Saturn could be found as the sky darkened, moving slightly closer to Venus as the month progressed. Brilliant, red Mars was easy to spot during the clear mornings. Due to the weather, holiday plans, and feeling under the weather, I could not catch either meteor shower during December.  

    January will bring the return of the Quadrantid Meteor Shower, one of the best meteor showers. Mars will (finally) reach opposition during the month, and a planetary conjunction between Venus and Saturn will occur. If we are lucky, there may even be an unaided-eye comet visible! 



    Mercury will be found rising above the mountains in the morning sky during the first few weeks of the year. The best time to view the planet will be the first morning of the year when the innermost planet shines at -0.4 magnitude and is about 12° from the bright star Antares. On the 7th, Comet G3 (Atlas) will be just 5° below Mercury.  It is still unclear if this comet will get bright enough for the unaided eye, but it's worth checking out regardless. Mercury will sink closer to the horizon until it becomes lost from view by mid to late month, depending on how close an observer is to the Rocky Mountains.    

   Venus will be easy to pick out in the night sky throughout January. It will be the brilliant object found in the southwest shortly after sunset. A thin crescent Moon will join Venus on the 3rd of this month. Observers should also notice Venus moving closer to Saturn during January. The pair will reach their closest in our night sky on the 17th, just 2° apart.  

    Mars may be the highlight of January as the Red Planet reaches opposition this month. During opposition, on the 15th, Mars will shine at magnitude -1.4, as bright as Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. In fact, the pair will be close together in the night sky and contrast nicely with Mars's reddish color and Sirius's blue-white color. The Full Moon will pass in front of Mars for Utahns on the 13th. This occultation will begin just before 7:00 PM and will end with Mars popping out above the Moon around 7:50 PM. 


   Jupiter reached opposition last month but will still be an excellent target for observation. This gas giant will be visible after sunset above the Rocky Mountains and can be found close to Aldebaran, the red eye of Taurus. Jupiter and Aldebaran will contrast nicely with the star's red glow and Jupiter's bright white as it reflects sunlight. Several Galilean Moon transits can be viewed throughout the month, so be sure to check out the Moons of Jupiter & Saturn app for Android or JupiterMoons for Apple devices. The Great Red Spot may also be seen at specific times depending on the observers' location, which the resources mentioned above can also be helpful. An observer will need a four-inch (100 mm) telescope or larger to view the transits and the Great Red Spot. I enjoy viewing all of the planets, but Jupiter is one of my favorites. The Moon will be close by on the 10th.

    Saturn and Venus have been inching ever closer throughout December and will finally reach their closest on January 19th.  A widefield eyepiece should show both planets in a single field of view. A few of Saturn's moons can be seen transiting the planet during December. The Moons of Jupiter & Saturn app for Android or Saturn's Satellites web app can be used to find the locations of several of Saturn's moons. For those with Apple devices, JupiterMoons and SaturnMoons should offer similar results. The Earth's Moon will pass close by on the 4th.    


    Uranus will continue to be found close to the Pleiades this month. The Moon will join the pair on the 9th, occulting the Pleiades. This occultation will begin immediately after sunset and will continue until close to 9:00 PM. This can be seen with the unaided eye, but a pair of binoculars will significantly enhance the experience.    

   Neptune will be located above Saturn on January 4th. Observers looking west after sunset will first notice Venus, followed by Saturn. At this time, Neptune is about the same distance from Saturn as Venus is from the ringed planet. The Moon will join Neptune in the early evening sky on the 5th.   

The Quadrantids and Comet G3

    The Quadrantid Meteor Shower, one of the best of the year if weather permits and an observer is willing to brave the cold, will peak on the 3rd this year. Like most meteor showers, the Quadrantids are best viewed during the predawn hours when their radiant is high in the sky. During the peak date, observers can see up to 80 meteors per hour. The Quadrantids are known to have outbursts, which may boost this number to 100 meteors per hour. The Moon will be out of the sky and will not interfere with this shower. 

    A new comet has come on the scene. Comet G3 may brighten enough to be seen without optical aid. The best time to view Comet G3 will be before sunrise during the first 10 days of the month and after sunset for the remainder of January. It's estimated to reach peak brightness on the 13th, but it will require a clear view of the western horizon after sunset. After this date, Comet G3 will quickly fade as it returns to the outer solar system.  

Monthly Breakdown

January 03: Quadrantid Meteor Shower peaks
January 03: Moon passes within 2° of Venus
January 04: Moon passes within 1° of Saturn 
January 05: Moon passes within 2° of Neptune
January 06: First Quarter Moon ðŸŒ“
January 09: Moon passes within 4° of Uranus 
January 10: Moon passes within 5° of Jupiter
January 13: Full Moon 🌕 
January 13: Moon occults Mars
January 15: Mars reaches opposition 
January 19: Venus and Saturn planetary conjunction 
January 21: Last Quarter Moon🌗 
January 29: New Moon 🌑
January 31: Moon passes within 2° of Saturn


Now get outside and look up!
Planet images were taken by NASA.
Andrew vs. the Cosmos image was taken by Jeff Greenland.
The Milky Way and Trees image was taken by Andrew Greenland.
Orion, Taurus, and Pleiades image was taken by Andrew Greenland.